Test modul on TC1
Two in one.
This module is the association of an EPROM test "Léon" and an EPROM test-initialize of the NVRAM 5101.
Works on the SYSTEM 80, 80A & 80B.
Mounting plugs into the extension TC1 connector and provides two functions, selectable by a switch:
- A test mode for components of the CPU card.
- An init mode to check the good functioning of the NVRAM.
Everything is integrated into an 27C256 EPROM, a common led (on A6) is used to visualize the results. Difficult to make it smaller !
The test mode
We have simply used for this part, the test EPROM described on the site of Léon, simple mounting and effective.
The number of flashes of the led allows to determine the origin of a failure on the board:
- No flash - CPU 6502 (reset, clock, address, CPU... decoding).
- 1 flash - NVRAM 5101.
- 2 flashs - RIOT 6532 U4.
- 3 flashs - RIOT 6532 U6.
- 4 flashs - RIOT 6532 U5.
The initialize mode
This is a new service that registered specific high-scores in the NVRAM 5101. This allows to verify that this memory stores well its content once the board disconnected, and on the other hand, sign a board serviced by our care.
The high-score is initialized to "6502" for the SYSTEM 80 and "65020" for the SYSTEM 80A.
For the first generation SYSTEM 80B, the five high-scores are initialized to "*87 - 6543210", "$$$ - 6000000", "TDX - 65320", "FDX - 65020" and "@@@ - 51010".
For the SYSTEM 80B of second generation and third generation, the five high-scores are initialized to "*98 - 76543210", "$$$ - 6000000", "TDX - 65320", "FDX - 65020" and "@@@ - 51010".
For the SYSTEM 80B "Tag Team Pinball", the two high-scores of the team mode are initialized to "*98 - 76543210" and "$$$ - 6000000", the three of the individual mode to "TDX - 65320", "FDX - 65020" and "@@@ - 51010".
Example of scores on a Night Moves table: These values are very specific and can only be entered in the RAM 5101 otherwise than by this program. Once the board is in place in the table, these scores can be deleted using the normal procedure.
The led indicates the status of the programming also by flashes:
- Fixed led - programming error or indeterminate system type.
- 1 flash - OK, SYSTEM 80 or 80A.
- 2 flashs - OK, SYSTEM 80B of first generation.
- 3 flashs - OK, SYSTEM 80B de second generation.
- 4 flashs - OK, SYSTEM 80B de third generation.
- 5 flashs - OK, SYSTEM 80B special case of Tag Team Pinball.
The mounting plugs directly on the connector A1J4 of the CPU card, instead of the ribbon wires connecting the drivers card (A3).
Note in this photo, the presence of another device installed on TC1 and which is also very useful for troubleshooting: the test-init modul.
This achievement is not publicly available, in any form whatsoever (free or paid).